Saturday, December 28, 2019

Plato s Apology And Crito - 983 Words

Throughout the history of western civilization, religion and politics have been put together and associated with the major historical events that have marked the history of humanity on earth. In the following written works, Plato’s Apology and Crito, The Gospel According to Mark, and Dante’s Inferno, religion and politics are shown to be intertwined, which emphasizes the impact of each individual character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics are affected by religion and vice versa. Plato’s Apology and Crito are plays that explain how Socrates, who was considered an honored and the wisest man in all of Athens by the Oracle, is sentenced to death because he was a setting a bad example by questioning the Oracle and Gods. In the Apology and Crito, it is seen how religion and politics are linked when Socrates is declared by the Delphic Oracle the wisest man in all of Athens; because unlike other people in Athens, Socrates knew that he did not know, â€Å"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.† (Plato,19c). Socrates believes in the Gods, especially Apollo, but by going against what the Oracle says he faced political issues. After his declarations, Socrates is taken on a trial and he is accused of corrupting the youth and not believing in the Gods. In his speech Socrates tries to defend himself by questioning everybody, specially one of his accusers, Miletus, by using a series of sarcastic comparisons to proveShow MoreRelatedPlato s Apology And Crito976 Words   |  4 Pagesevents that have marked the history of humanity in earth. In the following written works, Plato’s apology and Crito, The gospel according to Mark and Date’s inferno, in each of these work religion and politics are intertwined to show the impact of these in each character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics is affected by religion and vise versa. In Plato’s Apology and Crito are two consecutive plays that explain how Socrates, which was considered an honored and the mostRead MorePlato s Apology And Crito977 Words   |  4 Pagesevents that have marked the history of humanity on earth. In the following written works, Plato’s apology and Crito, The gospel according to Mark and Date’s Inferno, in each of these works religion and politics are intertwined to show the impact of these in each character in each written work. Also, these written works explain how politics are affected by religion and vice versa. In Plato’s Apology and Crito, are two consecutive plays that explain how Socrates, which was considered an honored and theRead MoreAnalysis Of Plato s Apology And Crito Essay1857 Words   |  8 Pages Final Paper The word â€Å"philosophy† can be defined as someone’s theory as to how one should live their life. For Socrates, in Plato’s Apology and Crito, the concept of the human soul drives the actions in which he lives his life. His view of the purpose for one’s actions differs from that of his fellow Athenians, who viewed physical pleasures – money, status, power – as the most important objectives in life. Within his own argument to the Athenian jury against the importance of bodily pleasuresRead MoreTry to Persuade Socrates Friends to Save Him Against His Will1191 Words   |  5 PagesTry to persuade the Socrates`s friends to save him, against his will. Socrates Is one of the most colorful figures of the ancient Greek world, who the strangeness of privacy life have always been of special philosophical and political science. He was convict to death because he does not believe in God and corrupted the youth people to do the same. In Plato`s dialogue Crito, Socrates spent his last time in the prison. Crito is coming to save Socrates and have plans how toRead MoreComparison Between Crito and Apology1661 Words   |  7 PagesComparison between Crito and Apology For these two articles that we read in Crito and Apology by Plato, we could know Socrates is an enduring person with imagination, because he presents us with a mass of contradictions: Most eloquent men, yet he never wrote a word; ugliest yet most profoundly attractive; ignorant yet wise; wrongfully convicted, yet unwilling to avoid his unjust execution. Behind these conundrums is a contradiction less often explored: Socrates is at once the most Athenian, mostRead MorePlato s Life And Accomplishments874 Words   |  4 PagesPlato, a Greek philosopher, was born in Athens, in 428 B.C. under the name Aristoles. In his youth, he was a wrestler, that’s how he got the name ‘Plato’, that was his ring name. Plato means broad or flat, his shoulder were broad and his forehead was flat. He won a few trophies for wrestling but never made it to the Olympics at Olympia. He later change more toward the arts, and he wrote plays, and poetry, but in never won in any of his writin g competitions. â€Å"Having failed to win an Olympic goldRead MoreCritism in Plato2608 Words   |  11 Pagesthe Republic, Plato claims that only a very few individuals are capable of understanding how human life is to be lived. If it could be done, the rest of us would be best off it we were to let out lives be controlled by such individuals. This position held by Plato has been one of much discussion and disagreement over the years. In this paper I will attempt to give my own insight and stand on Plato s position and will evaluate his position as it emerges throughout the Apology, the Crito and the RepublicRead MoreSocrates World Views1549 Words   |  7 Pagesof this paper is to discern and construct the world views of Socrates through the various readings, lectures and videos that we have seen in class. Some of these sources include: Socrates by G. Rudebusch; excerpts from The Last Days of Socrates by Plato; and The Allegory of a Cave. Of the nine world views covered in cla ss, I will delve into my interpretation of four of them as seen through the various sources that we have been exposed to in class. These four world views will include Death, ConditionRead MoreSocrates Sides with Creon or a1379 Words   |  6 PagesSocrates#8217; Sides With? Through my reading of Plato#8217;s Apology of Socrates and Crito, I have been able to see how Socrates makes important decisions and what he primarily bases his decisions on. As a individual person we have individual morals which lead us to our own moral or immoral decisions. Sometimes are own morals or beliefs might oppose the views of the state or the enforced law that clams to find justice. In this case we rely on our own beliefs that may be through passedRead MoreEssay on Socrates Fight for Justice1101 Words   |  5 PagesPlato’s works Apology and Crito there is an attempt by Socrates to defend himself in court and defend his choice to receive the death penalty when found guilty. Although he makes very valid and strong arguments throughout one can only wonder why such a wise person would choose death over life. The following essay will analyze three quotes from Apology and Crito, find the correlation between them, and reveal any flaws that may exsist inside these ar guments made by Socrates. In Plato’s Apology Socrates

Friday, December 20, 2019

Womens Suffrage Creation of the 19th Amendment Essay

Women’s Suffrage: The Creation of the 19th Amendment My topic of choice is the background behind the 19TH Amendment of the United States. Voting is important in the United States because its shows that we’re a part of a movement that allows us to vote for whose best for running our country. Well what if you were denied this right not because of your race, but your gender? Women were denied the right to vote for years because men felt that they weren’t an important part of decision making in America. They believed we were already busy with raising children, taking care of the home, and â€Å"serving† our husbands, that we shouldn’t have to deal with the pressure of voting. Choosing a topic on the 19th amendment being created was natural†¦show more content†¦The Declaration of Sentiments contained several resolutions including that a man should not withhold a womans rights, take her property or refuse to allow her to vote.† There were around 300 suffragists that attended including Fredrick Douglass, who revised the paper. When people discovered this convention took place, it became very controversial. Elizabeth Cady Stanton even threatened to move out of town. The Seneca Falls convention was the first of many for the women’s suffrage movement. For years, Lucy Stone, Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis, Abby Kelley Foster hosted the National Women’s Rights Convention. It was annually held in Akron, Ohio and brought together women all over who supported women’s suffrage and women’s rights. The women gave speeches, discussed their views, and planned ways to further their cause. One speech that Lucy Stone gave persuaded Susan B. Anthony to join the movement. Sojourner Truth presented her speech â€Å"Ain’t I A Women† that left her crowd speechless and amazed. She was a former slave who was an advocate for Negro suffrage. In her speech, she proclaimed that equal rights were either given to only intelligent white men and women. This convention eventually brought Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony together and withShow MoreRelatedThe Women s Suffrage Movement1553 Words   |  7 PagesOn August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified, enforcing that all American women had the right to vote, and were granted the same rights and responsibilities as men in terms of citizenship. Until this time, the only people who were allowed to vote in elections in the United States were male citizens. For over 100 years, women who were apart of the women’s suffrage movement fought for their right to vote, and faced many hardships and discrimination because of it.Read MoreThe New Code Of Laws1586 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment, but in the eyes of our society as well. Their efforts transformed women’s suffrage from an improbable and far-fetched dream, into an awe-inspiring reality. It has been 96 years since the ratification of the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution; one of the most profound pieces of legislation in all of American history. Although the passage of the nineteenth amendment was unquestionably a critical objective of the women’s rights movement during this era, there were a number of other goals ofRead MoreWomen s Rights By Susan B. Anthony Essay1422 Words   |  6 Pages Women’s rights have been a continuing political polemic since the beginning of time, having to fight for things such as the right to vote. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, recognizing us as The United States of America and giving us our first official election in 1789. At the time only rich white males over the age of 21 who owned property could vote, totaling up to only 6% of the U.S. population. This began the long journey for women fighting for their right to vote. SusanRead MoreReasoning Behind The 19th Amendment Essay example1903 Words   |  8 PagesWhen the constitution was written, the idea of universal suffrage was too radical for our founding fathers to address. They decided to leave the states with the authority to decide the requirements for voting. (Janda) By allowing the states to decide who voted, the authors had not intended for each states discriminations to prevent the country from maintaining true democracy. However, by not setting up a nationwide regulation, the authors launched the country into a century and a half long fightRead MoreWomens Liberation in the 1920s Essay example1652 Words   |  7 Pagesstereotypes. But even with those setbacks, women achieved a new way of life that affected the entire nation. A common misconception is that no women were allowed to vote before the 19th Amendment. In reality, females in most western states had been granted full suffrage as early as 1869, starting with Wyoming. Why did women’s voting rights first become recognized in the West? As a wild frontier, the West expanded the roles of women as they struggled to survive in the harsh environment. Gone was the socialiteRead MoreWomen s Rights During The 19th Century1507 Words   |  7 PagesWomen’s Rights In The 19th Century The 19th century was an important period for women especially in Europe and North America. It was a crucial time for demand for change and women were at the forefront of it all. Viewed only as a homemaker, women found it difficult during this time to show society what they were capable of. Limitations on their capabilities created by gender stereotypes called for change. To understand the significance of the 19th century for women, one must consider the conditionsRead MoreWomens Movement Impact1449 Words   |  6 PagesThe Women s Movement, including the Women’s Rights Movement and The Women’s Suffrage Movement, had a significant impact on U.S history. In order to understand if the movement met the set goals, we must look at what the value of women is today. Politically, new laws and amendments were passed to support women and their rights. Socially, women became more respected and accepted. Economically, women were given more roles in society. Educationally, wome n were given more education and career opportunitiesRead MoreTimeline of Four Major Events of the Womens Movement962 Words   |  4 Pageslaw as it related to womens voting rights. 1869 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association and Lucy Stone and other women formed the American Woman Suffrage Association. 1913 Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union that was focused on a federal law on giving women the right to vote. 1917 The members of the Congressional Union, later known as the National Womens Party, picketed the White House for womens right to vote and manyRead MoreInformative Speech- Womens Rights Essay1776 Words   |  8 PagesHow did Womens Rights Movement come about? Women were not allowed to vote. They usually could not get higher education. Often, they could not get jobs, and when they did, they get paid less than men for for the same work. They could not own property, in many countries, including England. In some places, if they had money and got married, the money became the property of their husbands. The Womens Rights Movement started because they were sick of the unfairness. Womens rights are the rights andRead MoreFeminism And The Feminist Movement1451 Words   |  6 Pagesof the sexes. The Women’s Liberation Movement, also known as the Feminist Movement made aggressive changes in the history of women oppression in society. This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called a women, so God created man in his own image. â€Å"Genesis 1:26-27. Aristotle states â€Å"the female is female by virtue of certain lack of qualities†. Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher says â€Å"Women are God’s second mistake.† Since the beginning of creation women had been view

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Advancements in Medical Technology free essay sample

Introductions and Conclusions Introductions: Have you or have you had someone, that was near and dear to your family and hearts, pass away and think to yourself If medical technology was Just a little more advance, they might have been able to still be here with me today? Or was their life, cut from your life to soon, because of the need for more advancements in the medical pharmaceutical side of things such as medications and treatments. Maybe, even be able to give them the therapeutic device that would have been able to give hem a longer life expectancy? One thing to think about is that over the past thirty years advancements in the Biological, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic device fields of Medical Technology has greatly improved the life quality and expectancy of many human beings. (What kind of introduction did you write for your expository essay? Asked a question What other types of introductions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? Providing a startling statistic. We will write a custom essay sample on Advancements in Medical Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Include interesting facts about the subject. What makes our introduction type more effective than another introduction type for your particular essay? By asking a question to the reader, the way that I have asked a question makes it personal to the reader and makes them think and want to read more about what I have written. ) Conclusions: My husband and I believe that if Stem Cell research was around years ago when he was first diagnosed by Type I Diabetes, that he would not have to worry so much about his blood sugars going high or low all the time. Now with the advancements in herapeutic devices, we are able to go to a specialized diabetic doctor (known as a Endocrinologist) and be able to help him get on a Medtronic Insulin Pump, that will help him with getting his sugars stable and give him the right amount of insulin that his body needs to function properly like you and I do. On the bright side due to the tact that there are advancements in medical technology witn the therapeutic side ot things, there is a small variety of insulin pumps on the market today that he is able to hoose from that will fit to his personal needs and wants. With medical personnel continuing to improve upon advancements in the Biological, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic device fields of Medical Technology, there will be more people out there, such as I that will not have to lose their loved ones before their time. (What kind of conclusion did you write for your expository essay? I think that by finishing up with another question it will hopefully convince the reader that everything I have provided will have them agreeing with my essay. Also something that would be more effective would be to provide an ironic twist, a surprising observation. What other types of conclusions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? Restating the thesis or summarizing the main points of my essay What makes your conclusion type more effective than another conclusion type for your particular essay? By providing an ironic twist, with a surprising observation from my own personal life might help the reader understand more of why I was so passionate about writing about those things in my essay. )

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The War on Drugs Is It Worth the Price free essay sample

The following paper examines the war on drugs in America, questioning whether the loss of lives, stricter laws and costs of the campaign outweigh the benefits. This essay discusses the pros and cons of the War on Drugs in America, paying specific attention to the sales of drugs, legislation issues, the strain on the judicial system, poor communities, increased costs of the campaign and the infringement of individual rights. From the paper: Some critics have pointed to the amount of money the War on Drugs has cost. They claim that the increased costs of the campaign to stop drug flow into the United States have coincided with a decrease of the amount of money spent on education. However, correlation is not the same as cause. The funding of education is an important role for federal, state and local governments. This is why we have federal funding for some educational programs as well as state and local taxes to help pay for public schools. We will write a custom essay sample on The War on Drugs: Is It Worth the Price? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Illusion vs. Reality Essay free essay sample

A universal theme found in Fahrenheit 451, The Truman Show, and Plato’s Republic is we accept the reality with which we are presented. The characters portrayed this theme through perceived reality vs. actuality, knowledge is power, and knowledge can only be gained if it is presented to it first. In all three, there are people without knowledge and people with knowledge. The people that don’t have knowledge are the general public, Truman, and the prisoners; the people with the knowledge are the government, Christof, and the things causing the shadows in the cave. The people without the knowledge live their lives as if they know everything while the people with knowledge try to either keep it that way or them the knowledge. Reality vs. actuality helps portray the theme though the people without the knowledge, who have his/her own reality while the actual world is something different. In Fahrenheit 451, the general public live their lives believing books are evil while they are actually not. We will write a custom essay sample on Illusion vs. Reality Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In The Truman Show, Truman lives his life as if it is real, but it is a lie that was created for a TV show. In Plato’s Republic, the prisoners were born into a reality where shadows are their whole world, while the objects making the shadows were passing by. In all three, the reality shown to the people are not what the actual world is. Reality vs. actuality shows how the theme is portrayed in Fahrenheit 451, The Truman Show, and Plato’s Republic. Another thing that helps display the theme is knowledge is power. The people who have the knowledge either use that power to keep the reality that the people without the knowledge already have or try to give them knowledge. The government in Fahrenheit 451 use firemen to try and keep the reality that books are evil and make that the truth to the general public. Christof and all the staff members in The Truman Show have the power and use actors to keep Truman’s fabricated world the â€Å"truth†. In Plato’s Republic the prisoners did not believe the philosopher who tried to give them knowledge and unveil the truth. The prisoners believe in their reality too much so to them, knowledge are the shadows and that kept them under the truth. The people without knowledge are kept under their reality because knowledge can only be gained if presented it first. The people are never presented with knowledge, so they could never learn about the truth. Since the government tell lies, it prevents the general public to read books, and the general public never finds out the truth behind books. Truman never found out the actual world until he was presented with knowledge by his first love. Christof and the actors tried their best to prevent Truman from finding out the truth, but in the end they fail. In Plato’s Republic the philosopher tried to present the prisoners the real world, but the prisoners rejected him and continued to believe in the shadows. The theme, we accept the reality with which we are presented, has been portrayed by reality vs. actuality, knowledge is power, and knowledge can only be gained if it is presented to it first. All of the people without knowledge had their own reality that was not the actual truth. The people with knowledge had the power and tried to keep the realities for the people without knowledge. The general public, Truman , and the prisoners did not gain knowledge unless first presented with it. If the general public read the books, and if the prisoners did believe the philosopher, then everyone would have knowledge and there would not be a fake reality.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization

Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization Abstract An organizations workforce is its most important asset. Managers today are looking at new and innovative ways for recruitment and selection of new workers due to the range of complexities involved in the mobility of employees in and out of the organization and their interaction with potential colleagues. Many changes have occurred within the 20th century and organizations now place much importance on flexibility and the rapid pace that takes place within the workplace. The labor force market today is mainly driven by unemployment and there are many individuals willing to take up job that are offered without considering their interest, qualifications and fitness to take up the job. Organizations are on the other hand taking up the advantage and leaning towards recruiting these desperate individuals to minimize costs of maintaining highly qualified workers. With the situation at hand, the recruitment process has, therefore, turned out to be tougher than it has ever been. As a result, many ethical issues come up. An understanding of business ethics is generally an issue that is still developing.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper aims at shading light on these ethical issues, with reference to a departmental manager job vacancy that was announced by a newspaper firm in Australia. It gives a brief overview of the job description for departmental manager position and the recruitment methods to be used and their relevance. The paper also goes further to discus the ethical and legal issues affecting recruitment, and incorporates the relevant theories associated with these issues. Introduction Workers are a fundamental component of every organization. These people are the primary machinery of the business and they are indispensible since they carry out the tasks necessary for the business or company. In recognition of the importance of the human factor in organizations, most companies have a Human Resource (HR) department which is charged with among other things hiring of new employees. The labor force market today is mainly driven by unemployment. Compared to the situation in the past, it is relatively easier to find a willing worker for a given position today than it was in the past. Most employees today are, therefore likely to end up in wrong jobs contrasting with their qualifications and even interest. This unfortunately translates into a disadvantage to the firms (Becker Gerhart 1996). Even so, as much as countries suffer from high unemployment rates on one side, firms in the same countries suffer from lack of suitable candidates for work. This phenomenon is probably caused by the absence of fit between the qualifications possessed by possible workers and those needed by the firms. With the situation at hand, the recruitment process has, therefore, turned out to be tougher t han it has ever been. It is much easier for a recruitment process to result in a wrong employee because employees are mostly driven by desperation rather than passion to take up any job that comes their way (Schwartz 2010). E thical issues, consequently arise from this complex situation. Firms are increasingly tempted to overlook the legal and ethical considerations for recruitment (Ryan 2006). In this paper I will analyze a vacant departmental manager position advertised by the leader newspaper organization. I will specify the various recruitment and selection strategies that can be used to obtain the best hire and discuss the ethical and legal implications of my selection choices.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overview of departmental manager position: sales department Department manager is an important position in meeting the profit goals of the organization. The managers oversee all the functions of a sales department. They implement strategies and oversee the departmental employees to increase productivity. It is their responsibility to maintain and implement merchandise presentations, directing the daily activities in the store and reconciling averages or shortages to balance daily cash transactions. The departmental manager will conduct seminars and trainings to build skills and motivate their team members. He will perform continuous assessments on the productivity levels of employees and help them in achieving their sales goals. He will be relied upon to come up with methods that will benefit their departments and business at large. They implement changes as initiated by the company and support business efforts. By training their staff on sales pitches and stress management techniques, they help organizations in maintaining quality customer service (Brannick Levine 2002). This directly translates into higher sales in the organizat ion and new business opportunities. Recruitment methods Person-based analysis Skills Recruitment is the process of identifying the need in an organization to add an employee to fill a given role and announcing a vacancy position to the public or prospected candidate for the same. When recruiting for the above described position, I will post an advert in a daily public newspaper announcing the vacancy. This will be to maximize the number of people who will have knowledge of the vacant position. Word of mouth within top rank managers in the organization will not be the primary form of communication for this position as it is the case in many organizations today (Warren 1999). The announcement will be open to the public and will not give preference to any group of individual on the basis of race gender, religion or color. The advert used in this case is an open opportunity to all applicants, not specifying minimums in terms of education level or qualifications. It however specifies that the applicants should be enthusiastic, dynamic â€Å"people focused† leaders. Such open vacancy announcements encourage many applicants and do not hold the possibility of locking out talent. The ethical and legal implication As humans, our lives are guided by rules and standards which tell us how to act in given circumstances. In most cases, these norms are well established over many years and they are referred to as ethics. Chryssides and Kaler (1993) proceed to define ethics as a system of moral principles which assists in judging social conduct as â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† and this system is important for harmonious coexistence in the society.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ethical implication of my choice of recruitment will be to offer an equal opportunity to all interested candidates. Family and political connections will not come before skill and competency as the key factors in this process of recruitment. On the part of legal measures, it is illegal to give preference or discriminate against job applicants in terms of race, sex, religion, color, marital status, political stand, place of origin, and physical or mental disability during job postings (Guardiano 1994). Job requirements should be described in a way to give all potential applicants a chance to apply (Ryan 1995). In addition to this, since Australia is a multicultural community which harbors some minority and disadvantaged groups I shall have to consider whether there are any affirmative action programs in place. Affirmative Action consists of a set of antidiscrimination measures put in place which are intended to ensure access to some positions by society members who would otherwise by under-represented or entirely excluded (Kellough 2006). Selection Process Selection follows recruitment and it involves choos ing a suitable candidate from the submitted application forms to fill the post. Selection is geared towards matching people to specific jobs. This is considerably one of the most essential elements in successful people management of an organization. After receiving a pool of applicants as an outcome of the job posting, I will base on several methods of analysis to select applicants who qualify for an interview. By looking at the many application letters that I will receive, I will first perform a person-based analysis for the departmental manager position, by looking at personnel skills and competency of the applicants (Milkovich Newman 2010). Skill-based analysis During the selection, I will require a minimum qualification of a bachelors degree in business or a related discipline for this position. I will require that the successful applicants be well equipped with Information Technology skills to manage and plan business activities and records. Training skills are essential to help the manager in recruiting, coaching and assessing employees, and it will be an added advantage to those applicants who will have stated these skills in their application letters. (Brannick Levine 2002). The ethical implications of the skill-based analysis will be to give priority to the highly qualified applicants for the good of both the organization and the society.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More During interviews, I will ask direct questions that offer an explanation on the job requirements and expectations. This will be to give the applicants a clear understanding of what will be expected from the position give me a chance to observe their immediate reaction, helping me to identify the best candidate for the job. I will take care to avoid unlawful and discriminatory questions. Asking questions on prohibited grounds such as whether an unmarried applicant intends to get married or have children will only increase the possibility of locking out talents on uncertain grounds. Such questions may also attract legal questioning of my company and increase the risk of facing legal confrontations. Basing interview questions on general assumptions, for instance, asking an applicant whether they have children to disqualify them from a job position that requires long working hours is discriminatory and ethically unacceptable. Competency analysis For an organization to prosper, it is m andatory for the employees to provide high quality work. This is because the individual performance of the employees brings about organizational success. The increase in the performance and productivity of individual workers is a primary concern of the company and it is one of the ways that a business is able to counter increasing costs of running the business. Solid authoritative personality and prior managerial experience demonstrated during the interview will help me qualify the applicants and eventually come up with a shorter lest of individuals capable of maintaining and improving company standards and implementing business strategies to help improve sales. The successful applicants should demonstrate their awareness of the business competitors and industry development (Atchison, Belcher Thomsen 2010). Recruiting personnel basing on competency is ethically approved for this position because, being a leadership position, competency is a key factor in commanding respect from the workers under him. The successful applicant will need to have outstanding interpersonal, communication and customer service skills so as to enforce the provision of quality customer service (Ryan 2006). To get the best candidate for the position, I will further make calls to check the reference for the job applicants, who have convinced me during the interview, especially to their former employers . I will ask questions concerning their reliability and punctuality at their previous work place. I will not base on discriminatory questions such as the number of sick leaves taken by an applicant at her former employer. This will be to keep my recruitment process ethically sound (Alexander Buchholz 1998). Motivation Levels Motivation is essential for people in all avenues of life since it brings about increased performance. Its importance is even more accentuated in the workplace setting where increased performance leads to the success of the organization (Chryssides Kaler 1993). As a process, motivation involves engaging a person such that they show desirable behavior or perform certain required action. A hire who is intrinsically motivated to perform desirable activity will be the most relevant for the post. I will therefore run background checks on the potential employee’s previous employers to inquire as to his/her level of motivation. Theories in the recruitment and selection process Three theories of recruitment have been involved, basing on three ways by which employees make the decision to join an organization. These are the objective factor theory, critical contact theory and subjective factor theory (Delery Doty 1996). (a) Objective Factor Theory Under this theory, an organization recruits its employee from a pool of applicants basing on his education qualification and other special qualifications such as the length of experience. Delery and Doty (1996) reveal that on the other hand, the employee joins an organization basing on the location o f the organization, pay package, nature of work and other opportunities such as educational and career growth opportunities. (b) Subjective Factor Theory Under this theory, the employer looks at the capability of the applicant in relation to the position in terms of personality and fitness. The employer also concentrates on the general competencies of the applicant such as communication skills and possession of a foreign language (Delery Doty 1996). An employee is, therefore, chosen with regard to the compatibility of the applicant in terms of individual personality, to the general image of the organization. (c) Critical Factor Theory Here, the recruitment process is geared towards discovering and filtering potential, not just for the anticipated vacancy in an organization, but to search for potential prospective employee. This is normally the case where the labor conditions in the country favors the employees, where there are plenty of vacancies and scarcity of qualified personnel (Delery Doty 1996). In this case, the employer is interested in applicants’ potential, success level at projects handled and critical incidences in the applicant’s work experience. Discussion and Conclusion The cost of hiring new applicants is high and it is therefore in the best interest of the company to reduce turnover by selecting the most appropriate applicant for a position in the first instance. Human Resource managers are therefore looking for new and innovative ways to recruit and select workers today. However, today’s environment is dynamic and HR managers have to face a wide range of complexities when hiring employees. Before selecting potential employees, a firm should undertake a recruitment process that is directed towards attracting a large pool of qualified applicants. Selection method should be aimed at identifying the best qualified candidate possible from the large pool of applicants. The ideal worker is one who is both competent and motivat ed. An understanding of business ethics is generally an issue that is still developing. Recruitment process should always be based on legal and ethical standards to protect an organizations’ reputation as well as minimize the risk of legal confrontations. Job offers and postings as well as interview procedures and questions all need to observe the legal requirements. In all the recruitment process steps, the prohibited grounds should always be kept in mind and all questions should be asked in to give all applicants a fair chance to respond basing on the job needs. Such practice and recruitment process culture will eliminate the risk of an organization being charged with discriminatory hiring practices. Good recruiting will also foster an organization’s positive reputation in terms of good business and ethical practice. This makes the recruitment process easier for the organization. It should be noted that interviews are like advertising opportunities and all the interv iewed candidates should leave wishing that they could work for the organization. References Alexander, G J Buchholz, R A 1998, â€Å"Corporate social responsibility and stock market performance†, Academy of Management Journal, 22(3), 479–486.. Becker, B Gerhart, B 1996, â€Å"The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Progress and prospects†, The Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), 779–801. Brannick, MT Levine, EL 2002, â€Å"Job Analysis: Methods, Research and Applications for Human Resource Management in the New Millennium†, Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publishers. Chryssides, G Kaler, J 1993, An introduction to business ethics, Cengage Learning EMEA. Delery, JE Doty, DH 1996, â€Å"Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions†, The Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), 802–835. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

What does it mean to describe both the First World War and the Second Essay

What does it mean to describe both the First World War and the Second World War as total wars - Essay Example It is characterized by the calculated, methodical conflation of the civilian and military scopes of industrial warfare. From these definitions, describing the First and Second World Wars as total wars mean that the two wars entailed military conflict where the participants mobilized military and civilian resources to accomplish victory; they were wars of extremes. In both the wars, States had to mobilize all the intellectual, moral, and material resources of the civilians; everyone was legitimate to the wars. There were widespread deaths like no other. For instance, one can relate Act II of the Total War to explain the dramatic increase in civilian casualties. In the First World War, it was estimated that more than 6 million civilians and over 9 million soldiers lost their lives. Second World War on the other hand led to a loss of 45 million civilians and 15 million soldiers. These were extreme cases of life loss in the wars. In the first WWI, the Trench warfare, which was expected t o be fought peacefully and quickly, came to be a prolonged war, which caused too much harm. In the WWII, the war fought at sea resulted in extreme losses of arms and lives. Until the entry of Russia in 1942, British fought a naval war, with the support of several technologies such as aircrafts. The U.S navy was so big in size, with Britain’s seconding it. From 1940 to 1943, Germany fought with Britain over the Atlantic. Germany submarines strangled British trade and reinforcement of the Far East and the Mediterranean. With few vessels, but capable of breaking the British naval codes, German submarines attacked areas where groups would not be shielded by aircrafts. Consequently, submarines sank 2,000 British ships in 1941, with a total of 8 million tons. British trade was limited as compared to pre-war times. In the WWII, civilians were forced to do anything for the sake of the War. The Home front involved majorly of industrialization, where women were totally succumbed to har dships and suffering. In Germany, more than seven million forced workers were forced to provide labor at the point of a gun, while slaves were literally overworked to the extents of death. War posters were placed in open places, contradicting the portrayal of women. For example, women portraits showed Germany and Japan in America as destructive and bestial enemies who were to destroy the unique culture that maintained the well-liked sense of superiority. The two wars could also be described as â€Å"Total Wars,† when looked at in the perspective of the oppressive and powerful Nazi states. For instance, Hitler’s ideas of the Second World War utilized short campaigns where targeted nations would be conquered individually or in portions before they were well prepared. Hitler wished to sustain the living standards of the civilians. Even after the conflict before Moscow, he resisted huge changes in economic policies. The situation was not the same after the tragedies in Nor th Africa and Stalingrad, where Germany was defeated. Hitler feared being seen publicly. This led Goebbels, the propaganda minister to announce that Germany would fight a â€Å"total war.† This was in his long speech in 1943, and he demanded that German people make real sacrifices immediately the Allied Strategic Bombing campaign effected. Germans faced big armies and war efforts that Soviets, British, and Americans could muster. Just like Germany,