Monday, February 24, 2020

English class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

English class - Essay Example Underage drinking in fact contributes to 17.5 % of total alcohol sales. As youths are not allowed to possess alcohol, they consume it in unsupervised spaces such as house parties which are the hotspots of binge drinking and drug abuse. Lowering the age allows them to drink alcohol in regulated and safe environment. Other issue is the underreporting of alcohol related accidents due to fear of legal consequences which lead to death in many cases. Proper medical care can be provided in accidents if the action is not illegal and is reported promptly. Proponents of the move also claim that if the drinking age is lowered, it will no longer be a taboo which will make young people less prone to take up drinking as an act of rebellion. Excessive drinking can be controlled if moderated drinking is made part of the culture and not banned. One of the very important reasons the age should be lowered is the lax administration of law. Police personnel have a lot more pressing cases to handle rather than to chase youth below 21 who are drinking. As the law cannot be enforced effectively, it needs to be altered. The most pressing concern in lowering the drinking age is drunk driving. More than 11000 people died in 2010 due to drunken driving. Research also shows that incidents of drunken driving are more common in youth below 25 years of age and reduces with the increase in age. If the drinking age was lowered to 18, more young people would get behind the wheel drunk leading to a spike in the number of deaths. The nation cannot be responsible for this catastrophe and thus drinking age should not be lowered. Binge drinking is a common phenomenon in US colleges. Youth regularly have bets with each other to see who can drink the maximum. This leads to alcohol poisoning and causes death in many cases. Lowering the drinking age will invite more cases of binge drinking which is

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