Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan - 1092 Words

In the story A Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan, talks about the story of Jing-Mei, the narrator, going to China to fulfill her mother s dream. This story was a reflection of Tan s life experiences when she visited China to go learn more about her background and see her sister. Going to China for the first time made her feel as she was transforming and feeling the Chinese in her that she never knew she has. She later finds out how much she cherishes her family and learns how important her culture is to her. Knowing who she is and where she comes from is an important aspect of her inner self. China was the homeland of Jing-Mei s parents. They still have some family members there like her aunt and her half-sisters she recently found out†¦show more content†¦This is China (146). She has started to accept herself for who she is, Chinese. If it was other westerners instead, they would have been skeptical about the color of the shampoo. Jing-Mei can t deny who she is because it s in her DNA. Suyuan, her mother, told her Once you are born Chinese, you cannot help but feel and think Chinese (Tan 139). Her mother said that to her because Jing-Mei is Americanize and knows little about her heritage. Tan is pretty much describing herself that she was born in America and knows little about her background. Jing-Mei tells her mother about her and her friends I was about as Chinese as they were (Tan 139). Jing-Mei means that she knows as much about Chinese as her white friends in America would know. But her mother claims that she knows more because she is a nurse and keeps telling her that no matter what, she is Chinese and it s in her. Even though Jing-Mei is taller than the average Chinese and does not look like the others, that does not mean she is any less Chinese. She had no makeup on because it was humid there, So today my face is plain, unadorned except for a thin mist of shiny sweat on my forehead and nose (142). It shows that it is hot there, but there is also a deeper meaning to it. Tan is pointing out that the protagonist is coming out and showing her real self, her natural born look. No makeup covering her face and no fake eyelashes on her eyes. She is nowShow MoreRelatedA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan1651 Words   |  7 Pages A Pair of Tickets Amy Tan was Chinese –American, born in San Francisco to Chinese immigrants. Amy didn’t set out to be a writer, but she loved writing. When she wrote the Joy Luck Club, it was about stories from four different families that met every week and played mahjong, ate Chinese food, and told stories. Amy didn’t realize how much of these stories she absorbed growing up. Amy never set out to write about her own life, but when she began writing, she realized she had unconscientiously subsumedRead MoreA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan964 Words   |  4 Pagesultimate fear: her heritage. In â€Å"A Pair of Tickets†, Amy Tan illustrates that a person’s identity is much deeper than their skin; it is exemplified by the person’s actions and family. Qun Wang was right when he said â€Å"Tan intermingles intercultural and intergenerational conflict† (Wang). She uses June May’s conflict between her and her cultural identity and her and her mother to il lustrate the grey area of who the first generation Chinese Americans are supposed to identify. Tan also uses the setting of modernRead MoreA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan936 Words   |  4 PagesA Pair of Tickets Amy Tan’s short story â€Å"A Pair of Tickets,† has June May crossing an ocean to visit her family that she has never met, where she connects with her Chinese heritage in a way she was never able to before. On her trip, she discovers the depth and importance of her culture through her family members. The main character, June May, is a woman of Chinese heritage, from San Francisco, California. Growing up in the United States, in a very American environment, June May feels as thoughRead MoreA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan1555 Words   |  7 Pages Jing-mei is ignorant about the people and places in China, which could be the most likely cause of her being raised in America and only knowing American culture. Setting is integral for Jing-mei to finally understand herself. In Amy Tan’s short story â€Å"A Pair of Tickets† setting is used to emphasize the discovery of self-identity as well as heritage and culture for the protagonist Jing-mei. Having lived all her life in San Francesco, Jing-mei has never considered herself as Chinese. Her backgroundRead MoreA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan Essay1160 Words   |  5 PagesIn Amy Tan’s, A Pair of Tickets, Tan uses a change in setting paralleled to a change in character to reveal that when a person learns something new, whether it be about a culture or another person, it changes the way they think and accept the world around them. June May is a 36-year-old woman of Chinese decent. She grew up in San Francisco, California and has never known what it is to be Chinese. She has denied any sympathy to the culture and it has a lot to do with the relationship she had withRead MoreEssay on A Pair of Tickets Amy Tan1128 Words   |  5 PagesA Pair of Tickets Amy Tan Amy Tan’s A Pair Of Tickets is a story concerning family and roots. June May, like the author herself, was a Chinese born in USA and grew up with an American background culture, whereas her mother grew up in China and then immigrated to America. Looking at the repeated words, we discussed that one there are many words such as mother, sister, father and Aiyi. Most of the characters in this story belong to one family, June May’s family. It suggests to us that theRead MoreAnalysis Of A Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan1084 Words   |  5 PagesIn the story A Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan, talks about the story of Jing-Mei, the narrator, going to China to fulfill her mothers dream. This story was based on Tans life experiences when she went to go learn more about her background and see her sister in China. Going to China for the first time made her feel as she was transforming and feeling the Chinese in her that she never knew she has. She later finds out how much she cherishes her family and learns how important her culture is to herRead MoreA Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan Essay697 Words   |  3 PagesAmy Tan is an author who uses the theme of Chinese-American life, focusing mainly on mother-daughter relationships, where the mother is an immigrant from China and the daughter is a thoroughly Americanized --yellow on the surface and white underneath. In her book, the mother tries to convey their rich history and legacy to her daughter, who is almost completely ignorant of their heritage, while the daughter attempts to understand her hopelessly old- fashioned mother, who now seems to harbor a secretRead MoreLiterary Technique of â€Å"a Pair of Tickets† by Amy Tan724 Words   |  3 PagesThe short story A Pair of Tickets, authored by Amy Tan is a detailed analysis of issues that concern many people that are of a different descent but that have been residents or migrated to another country for a long time. The story was written in such a way that if o ne does not take cognizance of interpretation of stories; one may not really gesticulate what the author is trying to portray. The story was about a young American student on a journey for the first time to China with a plan of reunitingRead MoreRelationship between Two Sisters in A Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan642 Words   |  3 Pageswhere the heart is are absolutely right when it comes to the story of Jing-Mei in Amy Tan’s A Pair of Tickets. This unique story provides a look into the mind of a young girl who meets her long lost relatives for the first time and the connection she feels with them as well as with her surroundings. This story is a great parallel to the connection that can be shared in a family even across long distances. Amy Tan is a brilliant author and has mastered the use of literary techniques such as backstory

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